Safeguarding Policy
Wellow RDA Safeguarding Policy
We are committed to protecting the children and adults who participate in riding or Quiet Corner from harm or abuse while they are in our care. We maintain a climate of vigilance, never leaving a child or young person alone with our volunteers or assuming ‘that it could never happen here’. Abuse takes 4 main forms:
physical abuse
emotional abuse
sexual abuse
Safer recruitment
Our coaches, volunteers and trustees fill in application forms and provide 2 referees, as well as completing an enhanced DBS check through our approved provider Disclosure Services.
Coaches, trustees and new volunteers are required to complete safeguarding training either face to face or Zoom; online refresher training is available at all times through RDA National and is required to be done every 3 years.
Safeguarding Officer
Our designated Safeguarding Officer is Anne Allen who can be contacted on 07713 639125 or anneallen9@me.com
Reporting Concerns
Any disclosure or concerns must be reported immediately to the Safeguarding Officer, who will decide next steps. If concerns involve the Safeguarding Officer, then the Chairman Charlotte Obolensky must be contacted on 07712 589249. It is not the responsibility of anyone other than the Safeguarding Officer to investigate any suspicions, but only to keep an accurate record of any relevant conversations or concerns.
Policy dated 2023, to be reviewed 2025.